These terms and conditions of service (the "Terms and Conditions") determine the relationship between the subscribers/end users ("the Client") of the xmlCombined service and DragonStack UK Ltd ("the Company"), registered in England and Wales. The company reserves the rights to amend these Terms and Conditions from time to time. Clients should check back at regular intervals for any changes.
Ownership xmlCombined is a service offered by the Company via an online interface. Clients have access to the relevant levels of service dependent on their request and the payment of their subscription. Access to these services do not in any way give the Client any form of ownership of any part of the platform. The data stored on the platform is owned by the relevant Client, who can at any time retrieve or request a full digital copy of their data. The Company makes no ownership claim on this data.
Contract The Company does not require the Client to agree to any minimum contract term. Clients can subscribe to any level of service on a month-by-month basis. Clients are at liberty to cease or start different levels of service at any time.
Payment Payment for the service is required in advanced on a month-by-month basis. On creation of the account, a one-off non-refundable set-up fee is due. Payments will be invoiced ten (10) days before they are due. The Client can pay for service in advance, however there are no financial advantages to the Client in doing so. Failure to pay the monthly subscription may result in the Client’s access to the interface being revoked and any public website suspended. If the monthly subscription amounts are not paid for a more than three (3) months, the Client’s data will be removed from the xmlCombined platform. Prices quoted for modules may change if there is a substantial change in functionality. Prices quoted do not include any local taxes (VAT, IVA, etc.) that may be chargeable.
Cancelation of Service The Client can cancel any level of service, or their entire account at any time. However, the Company will not refund any payments unless it can be proven that the accepted level of service has not been met. If a Client wishes to cancel their account, an email should be sent to info@dragonstack.com stipulating the date the service is required to cease and the full details of the Client.
Obligation of service The Company will make all effort to make sure that the xmlCombined platform maintains the highest standard. However, it is accepted that there may be times when issues may occur. If a Client has an issue with the service being provided, they should contact the Company immediately either by email, telephone or live chat. The Company will make every reasonable effort to correct a legitimate issue as soon as possible.
Access to the interface The Company can not be held responsible for the access to the xmlCombined platform due to issues of hardware or internet service local to the Client. The Company will offer help if possible when Clients experience issues of this type.
Data Storage The Company hosts the xmlCombined service on their server platform. This platform is regarded as being of the highest standard and includes regular back-ups and battery provision to maintain service during power interruptions. Data is stored to comply with relevant Data Protection requirements. Clients should be aware that it is their responsibility to register for Data Protection in their country of operation if relevant.
Customer Support The Company will offer standard customer support during normal working hours. 9am to 5pm GMT or BST. Support is also offered outside of these hours for emergency services. Non-emergency support offered outside of normal working hours may be charged for. Support can be given by telephone, email or live chat.
Communication with Client The Company will only communicate with the Client via the contact details supplied at registration. The Client must inform the Company if their contact details should change or if they wish to authorise another party to communicate on their behalf.
Third Party Services The Company cannot be held responsible for issues of service provided by third parties as part of the xmlCombined platform.
Harmful Action Any action taken by Clients that result in damage or a reduction of service from the xmlCombined platform, will result in suspension of services or outright termination of the Client's account. Such actions include spamming, hacking or a denial of service attacks.
Demonstration The Company does not guarantee a specified level of service from demo-access given to prospective or current Clients. Demonstration access is given for a limited time and can be withdrawn at the Company’s discretion and without notice.
Communication services Communication services offered as part of the xmlCombined platform (e.g. email, telephone, sms, etc) are services provided by the Company to all Clients, not just via xmlCombined. For terms of service for these products, the Client should refer to the Company’s main website www.dragonstack.com
Languages The xmlCombined platform is offered in multiple languages. The Company does not take responsibility for any miss translations on the platform but will endeavor to amend possible errors as soon as possible. The Client should inform the Company if they come across any such errors. Translations of the Client's own data is the sole responsibility of the Client, except in case they have contracted a translation service from the Company.
Users The Client has the ability and option to grant access to their data to either their own staff or associated agents. The Company accepts no responsibility for actions taken by any such access-granted users.
Applicable Law These Terms and Conditions are governed by and construed under the laws of England and Wales.
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